Apply for Sponsorship for 2025

Written by Emma Jarman

Our goal is for all students to have access to learn an instrument from a specialist teacher at school.

The limited funding we have does not cover enough tuition time for music specialists to stay and teach all the keen students. Some families can afford to pay for music lessons, some simply cannot in our school community. We certainly don’t want finance to be the barrier for any young musicians – so that is why we have set up the sponsorship fund!

We have worked for 20 years gradually building up instruments for the students to learn on which can also use to be part of music groups. All our music ensembles are free to join.

This fund is specifically for those students at Chisnallwood who would be unable to take music lessons on an instrument without financial support.

As funds are raised they will be distributed to those who require assistance.

Please register your interest by completing the form below. This does not guarantee sponsorship. We will endeavour to share the funding as we receive it.

Sponsorship will be offered term by term. There is no promise of sponsorship for the full year. Students will be evaluated at the end of each term. Those who do not meet the criteria will not continue to be funded. To qualify for sponsorship they need to:

  • Turn up to their lessons
  • Notify tutor of any absences
  • Be committed to learning (practise!)

NB – if you do not receive a copy of this form on completion then it did not go through. Paper forms can be picked up from the Music Office.