August Update

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Congratulations to the Jazz Bands on their successful trip to Wellington last week. They performed at Tawa Intermediate, where we have long standing musical connections, then performed and had workshops and concerts at the NZSM Jazz Festival with bands from around NZ and names such as Rodger Fox, Dave Lisik, Eric Marienthal (who plays Lisa Simpson’s sax music for TV), Luis Bonilla a great trombonist from the States and the NZYJO which had 3 ex-Chisnallwood students in! The concerts were inspiring, the workshops informative and the trip fun. They finished by playing at the Wellington Band and Orchestra festival. A visit to Te Papa was also squeezed into the full and worthwhile 3 days! A highlight was Olivia and Max getting the Adjudicators commendation trophy for their vocals and seeing 7 of the 15 award winners on stage had been through Chisnallwood.

2014-07-21 NZSM Jazz Festival


2014-08-23 18.17.38OliviaMaxAward 2014-08-21 14.55.06NZSM Festival

Performances coming up this week:

BANDQUEST Friday Aug 29th Burnside High Aurora Centre. Come and hear all our five rockbands play with other young rockbands up to year 8 from around Canterbury. 7.30pm Door sales only.

Cultural Festival Next week at Horncastle Arena:

  • Ruia Te Kakano – Monday night 1st Sept,
  • Irish Band – Wed afternoon 3rd Sept
  • Choir/Ukes/djembes – Thursday afternoon 4th Sept