Choir 2014

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Choir 2014

CHOIR IS FRIDAY interval – 12noon. (block 3)

Mr Atlas is our vocal and choral programme leader.
♪ 11am CHOIR is block 3 in the music room on FRIDAYS (Warm up at interval)

♪ 10.30am -11am CHOIR concentrating on pitch matching. This is advertised in the notices each day it happens. (Not every Friday).

♪ Acapella CHOIR. Time TBC

Your music is available at It is password protected. See Mrs Bell or Mrs Ritchie to get it.

When you have your short choir test we will ask to hear some of Babethandaza as well as some basic theory you have learnt at choir (semibreve, minim, crotchet).

Don’t forget, advancing singers can also apply to audition for the ChCh Schools Senior Choir. Warm ups for this will be done Friday intervals, applications are on the festival website, and you need the code from Mrs Bell.

The main festivals this year we re taking part in are the Voices of Canterbury Festival (Sept 8th) which is pop/contemporary style and the ChCh Schools Music festival (Oct 31st).