Developing Musical Skill

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A not-to-be-missed workshop for music students, parents and music teachers on April 5th by acclaimed international guest Michael Griffin.

Friday April 5th

5pm-6.30pm at Tūranga Central Library

Skill development and how to practise, the neuroscience of practice, talent and learning mindsets, repetition (blocked, variable and spaced, brain myelination) chunking (the brain looks to recognise patterns, why theory matters, short-term memory considerations) slow practice (the brain’s learning preference) the quantity of expertise.

It’s a simple connection but a powerful one. The internal drive required to pursue an activity relies heavily on the greatest of all motivators – making progress. For musical progress, nothing is as important as the quality and the quantity of practice time. This inspiring interactive, differentiated presentation will equip students, teachers, adult learners, and parents with the methods and mindset required to maximise the prospect of learning music enjoyably and successfully. An international hit, Michael Griffin’s Developing Musical Skill has enthralled and empowered audiences in 25 countries.

Tickets available here:

By Judith Bell