Feb 25 music update

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Avondale Bridge Memorial

Thank you to Lena Krakowaik who represented Chisnallwood and played solo trumpet for the February 5th memorial event at the Avondale bridge on Monday Feb 5th.

Childrens’ Day Event

6th March 11am-3pm @ Spencer Park

1.00pm Dylan Jonkers sings original songs

1.30pm 2015 and 2016 Chisnallwood Jazz Band

2pm         2015 Chisnallwood Irish Group

2.30pm 2015 Chisnallwood Rock Band Cosmic Latte


31 March 7pm Learning Strategies for Musical Success Details by international presenter Michael Griffin will be held here at CHISNALLWOOD! Details and tickets available at https://learning-strategies.eventbrite.co.nz

This will be a fabulous not-to-be-missed workshop for students and music parents.


FOR 2 nights for the NZ Ukulele Development Squad from Auckland. Chisnallwood is hosting this fabulous group on March 31 and April 1. Details will be at https://chisnallwoodmusic.org.nz/category/music-groups/ukulele-band/ It will incorporate an invite to a shared meal on March 31 (helpful for students attending the 7pm workshop).


We are looking for people to help sponsor some music lessons for up and coming musicians. Please pass this link on to anyone who may be interested https://chisnallwoodmusic.org.nz/sponsor/


Watch out for Chisnallwood guitarists on What Now this Sunday morning!


Next week we have Koffie Robert Fugah at school teaching all our students some African drumming!

Category: News.