February Jazz

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The jazz bands played the last two weekend for Parklands events.

Congratulations to the jazz band (combined 2017 and 2018 bands) for their performances in Parklands over the last two weekends! 

Under the direction of Jody Keehan the jazz band performed for Parklands at Play, and the Irish band played under the direction of Hilary Hayes.

Lana Law directed the jazz Band for the Opening of the New Pukeko Centre in Parklands the following weekend, which had formalities with the Christchurch mayor and invited guests.

With Mrs Bell away, we owe enormous thanks to parents, ex-students and teachers who helped with transporting gear,  set up and pack down and support which made it all possible. In particular, Scott Sinclair, Ewan McCaffery, Jono Teague, Iva Hamilton and Hilary Hayes.


By Judith Bell