Itinerant Nights

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Well done to all the students who took part in the itinerant nights.

Both itinerant nights were really enjoyable, with enjoyable simultaneous concerts and great support from parents.

From the music of woodwind in the library to singers and guitarists in the performing arts block and the impressive beats of double drummers on stage in the hall, there was something for everyone!

It was a valuable opportunity for all music students to rise to the challenge of performing and share what they have been learning.

Huge thanks to the wonderful work of our specialist itinerant teachers who went above and beyond to prepare entertaining and successful concert programmes showcasing each student’s skills and musical development.

Thanks to the volunteers running the sausage sizzle on the second itinerant night to raise funds for the Kiwilele trip this weekend. It was great having the food and drink available and great to raise some funds. For anyone wishing to contribute a little more to this trip please go to the Givealittle page.

By Judith Bell