Itinerant Nights term 4

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Check out the dates and permission form below

Monday November 18th – Itinerant Night 1

7pm-7.45pm in the CONCERT ROOM

Trumpet & Trombone (Greg’s students)

Bagpipes (Liz Drury)

Flute (Janet Simon’s students)

String Ensemble Item

7pm-7.20pm in the MEDIA ROOM

Violin (Julie Pettitt’s students)

Cello (Phillipa Lodge/Mike Crowther)

7.25pm-7.50pm in the MEDIA ROOM

Keyboard (Lynne Mackenzie’s students)

Please note the end-of-year Chissy Rock afternoon is 3pm-pm is also on the 18th November at Little Andromeda

Monday November 25th Itinerant Night 2

6.30-7.45pm in the CONCERT ROOM

Guitar (Leroy Edgar’s students)

Bass and guitar (Clayton Hiku’s students)

7pm-7.40pm in the MEDIA ROOM

Beatboxing and piano (Liam Dacombe’s students)

Clarinet and Saxophone (Jody Keehan’s students)

Tuesday November 26th – Itinerant Night 3

7pm – 7.40pm in the CONCERT ROOM

Piano (Hannah Brand’s students)

Piano (Marnie Barrell’s students)

7-8pm in the HALL

Drums (Jon Biddington’s students)

7.15-7.45pm in the MEDIA ROOM

Guitar (Tim Heeringa’s students)

Vocal (Amanda Atlas’s students)

The permission form can be found at

By Judith Bell