Learn Music at Chissy!!

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Sign up now to learn an instrument and/or join a music group!

The pre-teen years are a fantastic time to invest in music learning. The brain is growing as fast as it did in pre-school years so they are able to learn and grow a lot. Music learning also helps the brain develop and helps other areas of school work. Students have time, and are physically big enough to invest into practice. They often make life-long friendships, play in ensembles together and become much better prepared for secondary school and teenage years.

We offer a range of instruments: flute, clarinet, saxophone, bagpipes, trumpet, trombone, violin, cello, piano, keyboard, vocals, drums, guitar & bass guitar. You can sign up for these lessons here.

We have lots of music groups to join too: Marimba Group, Ukulele Group, Recorder Group, Orchestra, Jazz Band, Celtic Group, Choir, Taonga Pūoro, Rock Bands, Theory Club, Composition Club. You can sign up for these at the music office.

By Pieta Hextall