May Music and NZ Music Month

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Check out a few Music events in May (both in and out of school).

May 3rd Burnside High Specialist Music Programme information  evening at Burnside High.

May 5th Entries close for ABRSM Music Theory exams (held on June 17)

Saturday May 6 and/or April 22 Sound Tech training day. (Candidates to be emailed).

May 9th Rockquest and Pasifica Beats entries close

May 9th  11am Irish Band at Linwood Library (NZMM)

May 10th 6.30pm CSO movie music composer night.

May 11th 9am and 10.30am Burnside High Road Show at Chisnallwood

May 12th 4.30-5pm Irish band at Aranui Library (NZMM)

May 16 Weekly Computer Music classes start as part of Leisure Ed

May 19th 3pm Applications close for Burnside High SMP (auditions May24-26)

May 20th CSO New World Symphony Concert

May 22nd 2pm Choir, Irish and ukuleles at Shirley Library (MZMM)

May 23rd 6.30-7.30pm Rock Night at School for RockQuest bands and families

May 24-28 Cavell-Leitch Jazz and Blues Festival

May 25th 2pm Jazz @ Aranui Library (NZMM)

May 27th RockQuest @ Burnside High

May 27th 12pm High School Jazz Band Concert (Jazz and Blues Fest)

May 27th CSO – David Bowie – rehearsal open to our orchestra members!

May 29th 1pm Choir and ukuleles at Aranui Library (NZMM)

May 31st 1.45pm Hook Line and Singalong House Sing-off in our hall (NZMM)

June 1st 9am and 11am Strike Percussion performance at school

June 6th Jazz workshops for our jazz band with Rodger Fox band and USA guests from 1pm. (General public can buy tickets for the Dave Weckl Workshop at 5.30pm or Gala concert at 8pm).


By Judith Bell