May Music Update 2020

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Happy NZ Music Month! Check out all the great Chisnallwood music updates for this month!

I hope you have been able to enjoy playing, appreciating, creating and learning some music over the last few weeks. Check out the current updates:

  • Students please check out the virtual Chisnallwood Music Room at!
  • Thanks to everyone who submitted their performance videos for the 2020 winning Hook Line and Sing along Song “We Are One”. We can’t wait to reveal the edited video on May 29th in our live streamed assembly!
  • The composer of the song, Sophie Brown will be releasing her new video of the song at 12noon on May 29th at 
  • We are enjoying our return to rehearsals and music lessons. It’s great to see new members at groups such as recorder, ukulele and computer music. Some rock bands are still being finalised. If you want to learn an instrument (there are a few places available) please visit
  • JazzQuest is August 1st and 2nd
  • If you are considering auditioning for Burnside High’s Specialist Music Programme, please let Mrs Bell know and also go to You have until July 16. The flyer is attached.

See you all soon 🙂

Judith Bell, Jody Keehan and Sally Thompson

By Judith Bell


BHS_SMP_2021_flyer_web   PDF, 513 KB