May news update

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Congratulations to Pagan Cashell room 9 for her very high achievement in her theory grade 2 exam this term! Any others from theory club wanting to sit exams later in the year should register their interest at (The next entry is due May 9th)


Students @ Aranui Library as part of NZ Music month:

Jazz and Rock bands – Thursdays – 1.30-2.30pm THURSDAY MAY 22

Irish Band –  2pm  FRIDAY MAY 23

CHOIR and UKULELES and Hook-line and Sing-a-long – May 30th 11am


Parents’ Rock Night – May 21st 6.30pm

RockQuest May 24th


Visit by Caledonian Pipers May 5th

Visit by Burnside Jazz May 12th (with combined performance in assembly)

Open Choir Rehearsal and open theory club as part of National Music PD Day May 16th (see for details)

National Hook Line and Singalong May 30th 12 noon. Chisnallwood will have a sing-off in the hall between the houses. You can get practicing the song at

Some school holiday music activities include rock band rehearsals and Sound tech training for those registered.

Category: News.