Music Dates term 1, 2021

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Week 2: Feb 9th Itinerant Music teacher concert 11:20am

Week 2-3 Music lessons and music groups start. Keep an eye on the Daily Information!

Week 3: Tuesday February 16th 6-7pm Music info night. Practise tips and information.

Week 3 and 4 Musicality testing and rock auditions Feb 15-26th

Week 3: Music Festival representative group applications open

Week 5 Production Auditions March 4th-5th

Week 5: Sun March 7th Children’s Day 11am-3pm, Red Zone, 152 New Brighton Road.

Week 6 African Drumming (March 8 – 12)

Sun March 28th 11:59pm Closing date for Hook Line and Singalong song writing competition

By Judith Bell