Music Festival

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All Creatures Great and Small

The Lions Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival has been running over 75 years.  This year the theme was “All Creatures Great and Small” and about 96 choirs took part with massed singing from around 1400 students on each of the three nights.  The concert also featured an auditioned orchestra, concert band, junior and senior choirs which performed each night. We has 2 students in the senior choir: Grace Bevin and Dylan Jonkers. Chisnallwood was also represented in the concert band by Sarah Powley on flute and in the orchestra by  Sho Woodhouse on timpani and percussion.

The selection of music was enjoyable and it was great to hear some of the massed pieces come to life when accompanied by the skilled orchestra and concert band. We also enjoyed the individual items by the orchestra, concert band and auditioned choirs.

Well done to the Chisnallwood special group members and to the Chisnallwood choir who represented our school so well on the final night!