National music competition…

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A new music competition available for students from 7yrs – 17 years…..

There are two age categories: 7 – 12 and 13 – 17. The winner of each category will receive $350. Runners up will receive music shop vouchers or cash up to the value of $150.Applicants should submit a video (phone camera is fine) of themselves playing and from these entries 12 semifinalists and ultimately 6 finalists will be chosen. The semifinal will be streamed near the end of June and the final near the end of July.(precise dates still to be decided). Both of these will take the form of an online conference with a panel of judges who will view and comment on the performances. The emphasis will be on positive encouragement.

  • professional quality videos are NOT required. Musical talent can shine through less than perfect technology.
  • please prepare two pieces up to 5 minutes long (each). ie. 10 minutes maximum total. A second submitted video will be required should you reach the finals.
  • pieces can be on any instrument and in any style e.g. classical, classical crossover, jazz etc but must exist in written form, using standard notation. The music score must be submitted along with the video entry and can be in the form of a scan or a photo.
  • please also include a short biography (I am keen to hear interesting backstories!)
  • there is NO entry fee
  • entries should be downloaded into GoogleDrive or Dropbox (or any other platform capable of exporting large files e.g. youtube or i-cloud) and sent to by 20th June, 2020.
  • the competition will only proceed if there is a sufficient number of entries
  • only one entry per person 
  • Backing tracks and accompanists are fine to use.
  • judges’ decisions will be finalYou are welcome to call me if you have any questions. (021 0798479)Joel Bolton QSO (for services to music), Bmus(performance), L.R.S.M.Director of the Orchestral Pathways Programme at the NCMA (Nelson Centre of Musical Arts).

The deadline is June 20

Details can be found at this Facebook page:

  Children’s Instrumental Music Competition. New Zealand. 

By Judith Bell