September Singing

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 Thursday Sept 4th Cultural Festival

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Thursday Sept 4th Cultural Festival
Horncastle Arena (formerly known as CBS). Travel by bus.
Leave school at 11.30, back by 2pm
12.30 performance African medley and Best Day with Ukes and Djembes
(There is a video of the choreography by Koffie on the choir backstage). Check it out.


Monday Sept 8th Voices Festival

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Monday Sept 8th Voices Festival
Aurora Centre, Burnside High
Our items: African medley and Best Day of my life
What everyone needs to know…
– Arrive by 3.15 on your performance day in order to be ready for massed item rehearsal and sound checks.
– Bring food and water with you as shops are not so close this year.
– Our choir students can have a sneak look at the massed piece sheet music on backstage choir page.
– The Concerts start at 7pm, and will be finished between 9 and 9.30, possibly even earlier on the Tuesday.
– Tickets are now available on and are $12.50 including booking fee per person.There will be door sales, but due to the limited number of seating available, we strongly recommend you encourage your families to purchase theirs in advance.

Wed Sept 10 Area Massed rehearsal

ChCh Music festival area (blue book) rehearsal at Shirley Boys. Travel by bus.