Secondary Schools’ Orchestra Festival 2018

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Secondary Schools’ Orchestra Festival 2018

All the information you need to know

Our orchestra are once again so incredibly lucky to be part of this high school festival!

If you have any questions about the Orchestra Festival, please fill in the form below or email Judith Bell

What does it involve?

  • Two Christchurch Symphony Orchestra members visiting our orchestra rehearsals (Aug 31 and Sept 7)
  • Sunday Afternoon Sept 16th  full performance and workshop – CHCh Boys High School
  • Monday 17th – lunchtime mini unplugged performance at the Bus Exchange (Irish and Strings)
  • Monday 17th – evening Showcase Concert (our orchestra performs one piece) – ChCh Boys High School


  • In the Hall of the Mountain King
  • Star Wars
  • Mission Impossible

Sunday 16th Sept Workshop Details

Orchestra Name: Chisnallwood Intermediate
Location: Christchurch Boys High, 71 Straven Road, Christchurch 8014

Date Time Location Activity
Sunday 16 Sep 3:10 PM Big Room Geardrop/Warm-up
Sunday 16 Sep 3:25 PM Hall Foyer Waiting
Sunday 16 Sep 3:40 PM Hall Performance
Sunday 16 Sep 4:05 PM -4:55 PM Bigroom Workshop

What players need to bring

  • Own instruments
  • Pencils
  • Water bottles
  • Music stands
  • Double bass chairs
  • Rock stops for cellos and double basses
  • All mallets and beaters required – none will be supplied
  • Cymbals other than standard kit cymbals – i.e. crash or additional suspended cymbals
  • Additional larger percussion items as needed – i.e. marimba/vibes/tam tam etc. that are not supplied.

Arriving and moving round the venue

There will be volunteers who will direct you to where you need to be once you arrive at the school. Please send a representative to meet them in the Christchurch Boys’ High foyer when you arrive.

Your orchestra is encouraged to observe the other orchestra performances in the hall but may leave after their workshop is finished.

Monday 17th Sept Bus Exchange Details “Orchestras On Board”

Date/time: Monday 17 September 12-2pm – Transport provided by school
Location: Bus Exchange

Friends and family are welcome


School Bus dpt school arr BI approx perf dpt BI arr school
NMYO own 11.30am 12pm
Chisnallwood own 12pm 12.30pm
BHS yes 12.40pm 1pm 1.30pm or sooner 2.10pm 2.40pm
Rangi yes 12.55pm 1.20pm 1.45pm 2.25pm 2.40pm



  • Here is the site plan, showing the performance area.
  • When you arrive, CSO staff will direct you to the gear drop area, in the No. 7 bus bay immediately adjacent to the performance area. This is a no-thoroughfare zone and will be cordoned off to demark it as an area explicitly reserved for the use of the orchestras.
  • Please keep satchels and bags to a minimum.
  • Please make students aware this is a public space and to not obstruct commuter pathways.


Parking for the Interchange is at The Crossing
There are no drop off areas – there is only a taxi/bus bay adjacent to the Interchange


  • We will provide 6 seats for cellos only. (It’s a standing orchestra event!)
  • Students to bring music stands.
  • Cellos and double basses will need rock stops.
  • Bring clothes pegs for music in case of draft.
  • There will be no power available.

Monday 17th Sept Showcase Concert details

Date/Time: Monday 17 September 7.30pm
Location: Christchurch Boys High, 71 Straven Road, Christchurch 8014

Student to introduce our item.

All orchestra members should be in position at 7.15pm, ready to start. Orchestra members are expected to be seated in the auditorium unless they are preparing backstage or performing on stage.

At 7.15pm:

  • Burnside Orchestra to be seated on stage
  • CGHS and CBHS to be waiting in foyer area with instruments
  • Chisnallwood to be in their gear drop room

Other orchestras to be seated in the designated areas in the auditorium with their instruments, except cellos, double basses and tubas which may be left in the foyer alcove to the left of the door.


  • Orchestras move to their gear room two orchestras before they perform.
  • Someone will call you from the gear room when it is your turn to move to the foyer.
  • After your performance; cellos, double basses and tubas may be returned to the foyer alcove; all other instruments repacked in gear drop area and students may return to the hall for the remaining performances and awards.

Schools are encouraged to return to the hall after their performance, to hear the other schools and to collect their certificates and if applicable.

Concert Order

1. Burnside High School Orchestra
2. Christchurch Girls’ & Boys’ High School String Orchestra
3. Chisnallwood Orchestra
4. Burnside High School Junior String Orchestra
5. Lincoln High School Orchestra
8. St Margaret’s and Christ’s College Combined Orchestra
9. Rangi Sinfonia
10. Christchurch Youth Orchestra


Concert Etiquette Reminder from the CSO

I am sure your students will be considerate at the Showcase Concert, but here are a few reminders for them:

  • No cell-phones; they should be off or on silent
  • No eating
  • No feet on the seats
  • No talking
  • Leave between performances only, not during
  • Support your peers and applaud warmly!

Looking forward to an enjoyable event for both participants and audience members!



Community Engagement Project Leader

Christchurch Symphony Orchestra