Tūtira mai

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Tūtira mai ngā iwi
G                D
Tātou tātou e
Tūtira mai ngā iwi
E7               A
Tātou tātou e
       D                    D7
Whai-a te marama-tanga
G             D
me te aroha – e ngā iwi!
Ki-a k’tapa-tahi, 1
Ki-a ko-tahi rā.
G        A7    D
Tātou tātou e.

Sing it all a second time.Then finish with…
G             A7       D
Tā  – tou, tā – tou E!!   

Hi aue hei !!!

Line up together, people
All of us, all of us.
Stand in rows, people

All of us, all of us.

Seek after knowledge

and love of others – everybody!

Think as one,

Act as one.

All of us, all of us.

Sing it all a second time.


All of us, all of us!!

Hi aue hei !!!

Tutira Mai uke chord diagrams