Week 10 term 1

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Uke Visit

It was great having both the NZUT ukuleles and NZ Opera at school this week.
Many thanks to the wonderful families and staff who billeted the talented uke players last week.
You can see some of the Uke Group feature on CTV news here (it’s at about 7min 36)
CTV News
And here they are in Pegasus Post!
Pegasus Post

NZ Opera Visit

Here is a link to see NZ Opera in schools in the news this week:
NZ Opera News Hub

Coming up

Sound Tech training in the holidays, rock band practices in the holidays and in-school performances by the choir, orchestra and jazz next week!

Music Festival Audition Applications

Applications close April 15th for those who wish to audition to be part of the Schools’ Music Festival Orchestra, Concert Band or Senior Choir. Entry is online here, and you need a code from Mrs Bell to authenticate your application.
Category: News.