Week 8 Term 4

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Itinerant Night 2 and 3

Congratulations to all the students who took part in the recent Itinerant Nights. They were fantastic evenings with really enjoyable performances.

2015-11-26 19.12.44

Kiwilele Trip (NZ Ukulele Festival)

Our students had a great time in Auckland on Saturday, and although the big festival was postponed due to weather, our students had a really wonderful time. We visited the Depot Sound recording Studio, where Lorde recorded, and got to record with students from Panguru which is north of Hokianga Harbour, Northland. Some of these students will be visiting our school next year from March 31-April 2nd. They performed a powerful haka for us, and later a beautiful waiata. We got to sing through all the festival songs with Maria Winder from the NZ Ukulele Trust, and attend a fabulous workshop with Mark Jackson and Jane Jelbart from Australia. We then got a round of mini golf in before heading back to Christchurch. Photos can be seen at https://chisnallwoodmusic.org.nz/kiwilele-trip-2015/

2015-11-28 12.10.10
Outside the Recording Studio in Auckland


Sunday Dec 6 (this Sunday!)

Christmas Santa Parade 2pm-3.15pm
Our Chisnallwood Jazz Band will be in this (if fine).

Christmas Santa Parade map


Saturday Dec 12th

New Brighton Santa Parade 10.30am-11.15am
Our Chisnallwood Jazz Band will be in this (if fine).

Sunday Dec 13th

2pm ” In the Spirit” Atlas Christmas choir concert with the Chisnallwood Choir.
In the Spirit poster
7.30pm Re-Percussion Concert at Cashmere High with our marimba group (combined with ukuleles and recorders)

RePercussion Poster 2015

Chisnallwood School 2015 CDs

CDCD orders are available athttps://chisnallwoodmusic.org.nz/CD/
The cost is just $15 for the 3 CD set! Or if you only want one kind of CD, it is $5 per CD.
The CDs are:
1. Compilation CD featuring orchestra, choir, marimbas and ukuleles and Irish band.
2. Jazz CD featuring both the Big Band and the Jazz Combo
3. Rock CD featuring 6 rockbands
They will be ready in time for Christmas 🙂

Production DVD – A Raucous romp Through History

These will be available for $15 each and can be ordered on the same form at https://chisnallwoodmusic.org.nz/CD/

Community Music Notices – this weekend!

Christchurch Boys Choir
My name is Nic Ryan and I have been a member of the Christchurch Boys Choir for four years. The Christchurch Boys Choir is a group of boys with unbroken voices who sing choral music at performances and once annually go on a tour to somewhere in New Zealand or sometimes even overseas. This year the choir is turning 30, and to celebrate this milestone the choir is having a gala night on Saturday 5th of December. On this night the choir will sing Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony Of Carols, which the choir has been learning for the past six months. Order tickets from www.dashtickets.co.nz/event/93vgsnxr0 with children from $10 and adults from $25.

Doug and Doug Concert

Sun Dec 6, 4pm, St Margaret’s Charles Luney Auditorium,Garden City Big Band play a tribute to the music of Doug Kelly and Doug Caldwell.


Category: News.