Yasmin Thompson

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Congratulations to Yasmin who represented Chisnallwood in the auditioned 2021 Music Festival Concert Band!

Hi my name is Yasmin Thompson and I was in the Representative concert band for The Lions Christchurch Schools Music Festival. Sadly this year it got canceled because of covid-19 but we ended up recording the whole thing. So we all had to go to Cashmere high school to record it. Our conductor’s name was Matt. He was very nice and kept pushing us to succeed in our goals. 

Keep an eye on musicfestival.school.nz for details for 2022’s festival. Applications to audition to be part of the representative choir, concert band or orchestra usually close at the end of term one. 

Students going on to secondary school can keep an eye out for the NZ Secondary Students Symphony Orchestra (www.nzssso.com).

Well done to Yasmin on her achievement this year!

By Judith Bell