Celebrating NZ Music Month at Chisnallwood

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It’s May and it’s NZ Music Month … so here’s what we have…

We’ve started NZ Music month with a NZ music quiz run though the daily notices. (With poster prizes!). Well done to these classes who were first to answer.

And on Monday we had visiting pipers and drummers from the Caledonian Society perform for us. They practice at Chisnallwood on Tuesday evenings. Please call John McTainsh if interested in signing up.
bagpipesanddrumstutoring (1)

Get your diary out and read on….

Monday May 12 BURNSIDE HIGH’s Jazz bands and music staff will be at Chisnallwood to perform to (and with) our students at 1.45pm in the hall. That will be followed by a wonderful opportunity to meet with students and parents from 2.45-3.30pm in our music room!
Anyone who is interested in finding out about the Specialist Music Programme and the audition process or any other info about the music programme is very welcome. Burnside High music staff and students will be there to answer your questions!

Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 1.30.38 amSat May 10th – our IRISH Band will be playing as part of the World Trade Aid Day at 184 Papanui Road at 1 or 1.30pm. There will be free food samplers, giveaways and fun activities.




Christchurch Symphony Orchestra – Orchestra and music students have the opportunity to attend the BEETHOVEN “The Hero” REHEARSAL on May 21 at the Transitional Cathedral. Times are 10.30 or 12. Details and permission form is on the music website. There is also the opportunity to apply for a free ticket to the concert on May 25th.
Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 5 op. 73 E flat major
Haapamäki Signature
Beethoven Symphony No. 8 op. 93 F major

The NZSO has a fantastic Russian music concert on May 20th. Read all about it at
http://www.nzso.co.nz/concerts/concert/russian-fire/ and if you want cheap tickets sign up on our music website by May 16.

Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 1.37.56 amTHEORY

Congratulations to Pagan Cashell and Max Bobby for their great results in their theory exams last term. A reminder that theory students can register their interest to sit an exam at chisnallwoodmusic.org.nz/theoryexam/
The next closing date is MAY 9 (TOMORROW) if you want to sit in June, otherwise there is one near the end of the year.



Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 2.10.49 amROCKBANDS
Parents’ night is May 21, 6.30pm
RockQuest is May 24th




Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 1.34.02 am“Hook line and Sing Along” is happening May 30th 12 noon – a house sing off competition and combined singalong with Avondale school to celebrate the end of NZ Music month!! Have you learnt this year’s song, Islands? Check it out at menza.co.nz/islands/ You can see some of last year’s performances here pinterest.com/menzapinterest/paradise-performances/



Celebrating NZ Music Month at Aranui Library:
May 22 Rock and Jazz 1.20pm
May 23 Irish Band 2pm-2.30pm

May 30 Choir and Ukes 11am
(Permission forms here)

May 16 We have an open choir practice with Ravil Atlas and open theory club that music teachers will be observing.

ChCh Schools’ Music Festival
Information about the poster competition for this year’s music festival (based on War and peace) can be found on musicfestival.school.nz. Entries close June 13th.
Those auditioning for special groups should let Mrs Bell or Mrs Ritchie know if you want any help in preparation. Some practices will be advertised in the daily notices.

Category: News.