COVID-19 music update

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GUIDELINES ON COVID-19 in the school music department

Update (March 26) regarding distance learning during lockdown.

Music Groups 
Students in music groups, please keep an eye on your music group Google Classroom for links to Google Hangouts, practice resources, Flipgrids and more….

Itinerant Music lessons
Keep practicing 🙂 Set yourself goals once you’ve mastered what your teacher asked you to learn.
Some music teachers may be in touch and be able to offer on-line music lessons. These will be offered by email to parents/caregivers. If you need anything to help your practice please email your music teacher or Mrs Bell.

To Parents and Students of the Chisnallwood Music department (March 23)

We would like to update you on our health and safety in light of the COVID-19 virus. We are doing everything possible to keep our students and teachers safe. Most of these precautions are already part of our normal practice, but are now stepping up.



The performing arts block is equipped with hand sanitiser in the foyer for visitors and students.

We have bathrooms with hand soap and paper towels and students are all expected to wash their hands before each lesson. There are reminder signs on each door.

All our music rooms are equipped with sanitisers, wet wipes & kitchen towels.

After each lesson, the piano keys, guitar frets, ukuleles, microphones, marimba beaters… are wiped and cleaned with wet wipes and dried thoroughly with kitchen towels.

Guidelines for entering the music block are the same as for entering the school.

Please do not enter the Music Department if you have one or more of the following symptoms: sneezing, fever, cough or low grade temperature, sore throat or you or a member of your household arrived from overseas since Monday 9th March 2020 – remember 14 days self isolation is required.


  • Teachers will NOT teach when unwell.
  • Teachers will sanitize their hands regularly
  • Teachers will wipe clean and sterilise keyboards and frets – anything students have been touching in the lesson.
  • We are also cleaning handles and other shared objects regularly.


  • All students are all expected to wash their hands well before each lesson. There are reminder signs on each door.
  • Students are also exercising physical distancing and not touching each other.
  • Guitar students are being encouraged to use their own guitars at the moment rather than share instruments (where possible)
  • We remind students not to share instruments with each other at this time – not just wind and brass.
  • Brass students are encouraged take care when emptying their water keys.

Please ask your child to NOT attend physical music lessons if…..

  • they or one of your family members is sick. (Please let us know as soon as you can by email if this is the case)
  • Your child is in close contact with people coming back from overseas.

Please keep the music team informed of any changes or issues you have regarding music lessons


Music lessons

We will endeavour to keep the music website and Facebook page updated as well as sending emails in the event of any changes.

Nothing beats the in-person music lessons but if there end up being cancellations, some itinerant music teachers may reach out to you if they have the capacity to offer online teaching or support in the event of being unable to teach in person. We will keep you informed. One on one lessons may be held using online applications such as Zoom or GoogleMeet/Hangout, or other platforms. Please let your music tutor know if you do not have access to the internet or any device with a camera. We may not all need or use this but we think it’s good to be prepared.

Music Groups

Music Groups are already used to using Google classroom to access resources and updates and this can continue as normal.


The April gigs we had been offered are cancelled (as expected), however we are waiting to hear about events in May (such as Rockquest) and June events. We will keep you informed as we find out more.

Theory Club

We are well set up to continue through ClassDojo and Google Classroom as well as the music website resources.


  • Wash your hands frequently either using water and soap or sanitizer.
  • Drink lots of water and keep your throat hydrated.
  • Be kind to each other.
  • Exercise and eat well, sleep well, enjoy each day – these will boost your immune system.
  • Enjoy the extra opportunities to practice!

Best wishes

Judith Bell, Jody Keehan and Sally Thompson

By Judith Bell