End of term 3 music update

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Well done to the performance groups last weekend!

Chisnallwood band “Automatic Growth” at Pacifica Beats


Chisnallwood Hip Hop Dance Group at Xpression Dance Studio Mid-year concert

Jazz Combo at Rotary Dinner


These holidays we look forward to having students attend the backstage tour of Pirates of the Caribbean on Saturday, hosting a West African Drum Workshop on July 10th,
and having a special Jazz practice to prepare for JazzQuest.
There’s lots of fantastic concerts and events to go to through KidsFest.

Next term we look forward to lots of performance opportunities such as
Open Night, JazzQuest and Junior Jazz Jam, Voices Festival, Strum Strike and Blow and the Cultural Festival. We also look forward to Robert Koffie Fugah coming to Chisnallwood next term to teach African drumming to all our students.

Music Group members are encouraged to remember there are resources on our music website to help practice over the holidays, and itinerant students are encouraged to take the holidays to do some extra practice and maybe even get creative and make up a melody! All itinerant students have the opportunity to perform in the itinerant concerts in term 4.

Category: News.