ChisnallwoodMusic – For teachers

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Notes from Music Technology Workshop May 31 2013
Check out the “Useful Music Web links” page and the “Music Theory Page” as well as other pages where you will find google calendar, google site, google docs and forms, google maps etc
The “Computer Music” page has some student examples and access to the slides of software screenshots (scroll down for this)
Or you go straight to the slides here.
The “Backstage” wiki is password protected as it contains our repertoire music for listening to and learning. And check out the other links on the left eg GarageBand … This is Scott Watson’s Parkland HS Elective music school wiki. Lots good links here too. You will love the links to resources here!Screen Shot 2013-07-02 at 9.32.16 PM.png

We also talked about – online recording and loops (like Garageband or Mixcraft…) – online music writing (like Sibelius)
Download Staff Wars here. It’s free and works well either on computer or interactive whiteboard. I did it this afternoon with my theory club students and boy it was exciting!

Ukulele Workshop and Concert July 9th (Free)
Information and registration here

March 2011 Tips for Supporting Young People as we return teaching
TipsForSupportingYoungPeople.PDF TipsForSupportingChildren.PDF MrPatonsLetter.PDF How teachers can support children2.pdfSupporting ourselves after a stressful event.pdf

Kia ora Everyone,
Just a reminder re national music ed. conference April 18-20, 2011 (Cultural Chords)
And if you are planning to get the TRCC to pay your travel expenses – early bird registration closes 3 MARCH and there are travel funds for the first 80 applying – 10 travel grants have already gone last I asked, so perhaps get onto this before your school office closes THIS term …
Remember early bird rate is $100 cheaper and of course MENZA members also get further discount …
( for that membership)
Remember to register for the conference through

Stephanie Lees – MENZA Board Member,
Convenor – MENZA Conference 2011 – Cultural Chords – Auckland : April 18-20
Music Education NZ Aotearoa



Music of Africa.pdf
Music Education Canterbury presents
Teachers’ Workshop

Come along and join in this lively, vibrant and educational workshop that will introduce you to the music of Africa with internationally renowned percussionists
Doug Brush (USA) Gert Kilian (France)
Saturday 2 April 1.30pm – 4.00pm Sunday 3 April 10.00am-12.30pm
These workshops are designed as a pair so it is preferable to attend both but single workshop registration is available.
Full registration $75.00 Student $45.00 Single workshop $45.00 Single workshop student $25.00
Follow this link to register
Enquiries to Celia Stewart 027-529-9000


A hands-on, fun and interactive music workshop exploring this great new resource
and its use in the classroom.

Facilitated by
Celia Stewart
Music Education Consultant

Room 111
Music Suite
College of Education
University of Canterbury
Dovedale Ave

29 March 2011

($10 discount for additional teachers from the same school)
This course will explore all the possibilities of this wonderful resource provided free to all NZ primary schools in 2010 and investigate its strong links to literacy, numeracy and the NZ Curriculum.
We will sing, move, play ukulele and instruments, both tuned and untuned.
Please bring a ukulele if you have one. No previous experience necessary.
You can enrol for this course by following this link.
Once you have enrolled you will receive instructions on how to pay, either by direct credit or cheque.

About the facilitator:
Celia has been involved in music education for many years as a primary and early childhood teacher, lecturer in Early Childhood at the Christchurch College of Education, primary music adviser in Canterbury with UC EdPlus at the University of Canterbury and National Facilitator in Primary Music for the Ministry of Education. She is currently a self-employed music educator and consultant whose most recent roles include managing the education programme for Christchurch Symphony Orchestra, an on-line facilitator for Arts Online, workshop facilitator and supporting schools in their music programmes. Celia is a flute player and is currently doing a Masters in Orff Schulwerk music education through Waikato University. She wrote some of the resource material for KKS 17.

Enquiries to Celia at 027-529-9000 or

Tune Into Music-KKS 17-Christchurch.doc


IRMT_Flute_workshop_2011.pdf sax_workshop_2011.pdf

Tutor: Anthony Ferner
Principal flute Christchurch Symphony Orchestra Senior Fellow, School of Music University of Canterbury
“The Flute is the easiest instrument to play badly”
Sunday 6th March 2011. 2pm to 5pm The Chamber, Music Centre of Christchurch, 140 Barbadoes Street
Designed for flute teaching at all levels, the workshop will look at techniques that, put simply, work so effectively to explain the complexities of teaching the instrument. It is important to encourage students to learn sound techniques that will enable them to progress freely and to go on to express themselves without technical barriers. Issues to be dealt with include balance of the instrument, breathing and production of sound.
The first session from 2pm to 3.15 will take the form of a workshop for teachers who are encouraged to bring their instruments. This will be followed by a workshop/master-class for students where issues raised in the first session can be addressed. Please forward the names of intending participating students and the piece they will be presenting. These will be accepted on a first come/first served basis.
Please detach the enrolment form below and forward with fees to Alison Hansen, 36 Bainton Street, Christchurch 8053 (ph 354 2207) or email: Make cheques out to IRMT, Christchurch Branch or deposit fees directly into account no: 01 0798 0026524 00, IRMT Chch Branch, adding your surname, initial and “flute”
Enrolment Form – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Name of participating student…………………………………………………………
Piece to be presented…………………………………………………………………
Fees: CSM staff/ IRMT Member Non IRMT Member Student Unwaged $20 $30 $5 $25

Tutor: Mark Hobson
‘Saxophone Teaching for Clarinet Teachers; Clarinet Teaching for Saxophone Teachers’
Sunday 6th March 2011. 2pm to 5pm Trinity Room, Music Centre of Christchurch, 140 Barbadoes Street
Most woodwind teachers who work in our school system are expected to be able to teach each and every wind instrument regardless of the years they have put into training in their specialist instrument. This workshop aims to detail the specifics and highlight the differences in teaching both clarinet and saxophone.
In the first session, Mark Hobson will give an illustrated talk on aspects including:  Understanding the history of the saxophone and clarinet  Working with students for whom sax/clar is their2nd (3rd or 4th) instrument  Technical aspects i.e. posture, articulation, breathing and embouchure
 The „Engine Room‟ i.e. mouthpiece  The importance of listening and playing along with your students  The brain as the „melting pot‟ of information – reading, research and listening  Practice
The second session will take the form of a workshop where the ideas from the first session can be demonstrated with students at a variety of experience levels.
Please detach the enrolment form below and forward with fees to Katherine Jones, 1 Kingsford St, Christchurch 8061 (ph 386 0676) or email: by 4th March. Make cheques out to IRMT, Christchurch Branch or deposit fees directly into account no: 01 0798 0026524 00, IRMT Chch Branch, adding your surname, initial and “workshop Mar 6th” _
Enrolment Form
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name of participating student………………………………………………………… Piece to be presented…………………………………………………………………
Fees: CSM staff/ IRMT Member Non IRMT Member Student Unwaged $20 $30 $5 $25

