March Music

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The Jazz band has performed twice in March and the year 7-8 group will perform tomorrow for our visiting teachers. Orchestra, marimba, ukulele, choir, lessons…. all underway

March Music

Thanks to the year 7,8,9 jazz band and the parent support for performing in March for Children’s Day and also for the opening of the Lion’s Convention where they performed national anthems and Irish music for the flag ceremony as well as jazz items.

It was a very special finish for our joint 7,8,9 jazz and Irish bands to end at the Lion’s convention with a standing ovation!

Tomorrow our year 7-8 jazz and Irish bands will perform for visiting teachers at Chisnallwood.

Other music groups

  • String group – Monday 8am
  • Ukulele – Monday lunchtime
  • Choir – Monday block 5
  • Irish – Tuesday 8am
  • Jazz combo and jazz big band – Thursdays 8am, lunch and block 5.
  • Marimba group – Friday 8am
  • Orchestra – Friday lunch and block 5
  • Theory club – Friday after school
  • Rock band rehearsal times are still being confirmed and 5 initial bands have formed.
  • Sound technology – invites to train will be sent before the end of term to students from the signup list
  • Computer Music – open most intervals and lunch. Sign up sheet for Leisure Ed Computer music and other groups here

Music Lessons

A reminder that timetables can be found on the music website. Please let us know if your students can’t make a lesson. Sign up for anyone wanting to start lessons is here.

By Judith Bell