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ASB Classical Sparks

Come and support the Chisnallwood Chamber Ensemble as it plays next week at the ASB Classical Sparks.

Friday, Feb 5th, 7pm, Hagley Park.

They are one of 5 groups to have made it to the finals of the ASB Classical Kids competition! They will be playing between 7 -8pm, with ASB Classical Sparks starting at 8pm.

Check out the details of the ASB Classical Sparks event here.

There will be TWO prizes:

Judges Choice: $1000 courtesy from ASB to be shared by the group, plus mentoring from the CSO

Audience Choice: music vouchers. Text voting by audience. Text number will be advertised on the big screen during the acts and heavily promoted on site with all profits going to Cholmondely Children’s Home. Text is 5002. there will be an option a,b, c, d, e that will relate to the groups. Texts cost $2.

So head to Classical Sparks early, settle in and enjoy five groups of local primary and intermediate students who will be performing as part of the Classical Kids preshow.

You can win return flights to Singapore by texting your vote in the Singapore Airlines People’s Choice Award.

TXTs cost $2.00 and all proceeds go towards raising money for Cholmondeley Children’s Home.

Members of the Chisnallwood group are

Taylor Roche (boy soprano)

Ryan Hall (piano)

Laura Murton (flute)

Georgia Hoy (baritone horn)

Callum Murray (double bass)

The 7pm SHOW performance schedule is as follows:

1. Dynamic

2. Selwyn House School Quintet

3. CIS

4. Chisnallwood Intermediate

5. The Baroque Kids


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Truth and Dare won the KidsFirst Best Movie award in the category “Student Production, Middle School”.

CONGRATULATIONS to the whole team who made the “Truth and Dare” movie! That is a wonderful achievement!!

Check out all the winners here on the KidsFirst website (scroll halfway down to get to “student production” catagories)

Watch the TV3 news report here

Watch CTV news report here

There will also be an article in this week’s ChCh Mail

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SCHOOL CDs available

This year we have 2 school CDs available:

Chisnallwood Music 2009 – This has 24 tracks covering Orchestra, Chamber, Production, Choir, RTK, Jazz Band, Rock Bands, Percussion Ensemble and Recorder Ensemble as well as lots of music photos from throughout the year and student graphic designed cover. Great value at $5

The other CD is a high quality JAZZ BAND 2009 CD with 11 tracks. Great listening from the band which went on tour and a won silver award at Jazz Quest this year! Again there are lots of photos with this package which was mixed and mastered at Orange Studio. Just $10

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New Brighton Santa Parade this Saturday

The Chisnallwood Jazz band is playing in the New brighton Santa Parade on a truck and also in the outdoor concert which follows.

The parade starts 10.30am (jazz students need to be there at 10am)

The concert starts at 11.15am

Click here to view some photos!

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Christmas Production

“Christmas Unplugged” written and directed by Mrs Liz Eddington features amazing talents of Chisnallwood students in a story of a girl looking for meaning in Christmas. Participating talent includes Ruia Te Kakano, Pasifika, orchestra, recorders, dancers (Irish, Indian, tap, ballet, scottish…..) singers…

When: Dec 2nd 1pm and 7pm, Dec 3rd, 7pm

Where: School hall

Cost: only $5 or free for Senior Citizens

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“Truth and Dare” is the movie which Chisnallwood made last year with the help of “Artist in Schools”

It was very fortunate to get into the KIDS FIRST! film festival in America and now we have heard that the film is a nominee for a KIDS FIRST! Best Award! There are only 5 nominations in this “STUDENT PRODUCTION, MIDDLE SCHOOL” category.

Winners will be announced at the KIDS FIRST! Awards Ceremony, Saturday, December 5th in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

You can read about the movie here

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Music Events next week

Monday 16th November 7pm. Exam Soiree for students with upcoming music exams. This is an opportunity for exam candidates to perform their exam pieces to a small and friendly audience.
Tuesday 17th November 3pm – 7pm Combined Primary School’s JAZZ WORKSHOP and CONCERT at Chisnallwood.  Students will be taking part from schools including Westburn, Halswell, Windsor, Burwood and Chisnallwood. Please ask for details from Mrs Bell or Mrs Jones if you want to take part. The concert is from 6 -7pm. All welcome.
Friday 20th November 6 – 7pm Jazz Band to play for teacher graduation at the University of Canterbury.

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Chamber Group Achievement

Congratulations to the Chamber Ensemble for gaining a place to play in the ASB Classical Sparks!

The audition was last week and the group now looks forward to performing on Feb 5th 2010 at the ASB Classical Sparks in Hagley Park.

Members of the group are:

Taylor Roche (vocals), Ryan Hall (piano), Laura Murton (flute), Georgia Hoy (baritone) and Callum Murray (double bass)

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Music Dates term 4, 2009

 Friday 16th October 11am - Jazz Band performance for Rotary and Mayors from Thailand.

 Thursday 22nd October – Primary Schools’ Festival final night with Chisnallwood Choir performing.

Sunday 25th October – Big Band Festival

The Chisnallwood Jazz Band will be performing in the Limes Room at the Christchurch Town Hall at 2pm as part of the Big Band Festival Family Concert.

Friday 30th October – Anne Tolley Visit to Chisnallwood

The Minister of Education, Anne Tolley, will be visiting Chisnallwood and the Jazz Band have been asked to perform for her. It will be in the Concert Room of the Performing Arts Block at 1.45pm.

Saturday 31st October – Theory Exams 9.30am at Kirkwood Intermediate School.

Saturday 31st October – Windsor School Fair

Dianna Reynolds from Windsor has invited us to perform at their school fair. The performance will be from 11.30am – 12.00.

Wednesday 18th November – Interschool Jazz Workshop at Chisnallwood

This has become a popular annual event where we are joined by several other school jazz bands for a workshop followed by a fish’n’chip tea and combined concert. The workshop will begin at 3pm and the concert will finish around 7pm.

Friday 20th November – NZEI Teachers’ Graduation Ceremony

The jazz band will be playing at the post-ceremony function for teachers who have completed their training through NZEI from 6pm – 7pm at the Ngaio Marsh Theatre, University of Canterbury.

Wednesday 25th November

Itinerants Night 1. The annual showcase for all those learning instruments at school. Â Showcase 1 will feature orchestral instruments and possibly a performance by the Chisnallwood Orchestra.

Wednesday 2nd , Thursday 3rd December – School Production

The Christmas production, directed by Mrs Eddington will run for two nights as well as a matinee performance and the music department will be providing the music for the show.

Wednesday 9th December

Itinerant Night 2. Showcase 2 will feature the rock instruments and may include rock band performances.

Thursday 10th December

Rock Night at Zebedees – Chisnallwood band “Millenium” playing

 Saturday 5th December – New Brighton Santa Parade 9.30am -1pm

The Chisnallwood jazz Band will be playing on the deck of a truck in the New Brighton Santa Parade, and the band has also been asked to perform on stage in the concert following the parade!

Sunday 13th December – Percussion Group performing in ‘Repercussion’ at Cashmere High School. The concert begins early evening and there will also be a rehearsal at some stage during the weekend – times to be confirmed.

Saturday 19th December – Carols at New Brighton (To Be Confirmed)

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