November news update

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Itinerant Night 3 Thursday Nov 27th: 6pm -7.30pm Screen Shot 2014-11-25 at 8.38.02 pm

6.15 in the Library: flute, clarinet, saxophone, violin, trumpet, trombone.

6.30 in the Media room: keyboard

6pm in the Concert Room: Claire’s students, Clayton’s extra students and Leroy’s guitar students

7.15pm in the Hall: Hiphop dance and prizegiving

But wait, there’s more:

There is a school art exhibition (from Art Camp) in the foyer from 6pm which you are welcome to enjoy.

And you are invited to bring a little money to buy snacks to help the ukulele group with their Auckland trip.

The permission form for performers, for anyone who missed it, is online here. The programme is looking great!

Mics-ShureSM58Chisnallwood Rock Night, Sunday Nov 30th, 7pm at Orange Studios, Ferry Road. Tickets $20, $10 concession, Live recording concert featuring Unidentified, Sonic Pulse, Killer Blue, Luminous Sounds and MultiRingTonePhone. Tickets are limited but are now on sale here! All proceeds go toward recording costs.


Some more music events coming up:

Kiwilele trip to Auckland Sat 29th Nov

Dec 7th ChCh Santa Parade (in Riccarton) 2pm

Dec 13 New Brighton Santa Parade 10am

The jazz band is playing in both the Santa Parades, but If students from Irish, choir or orchestra would like to be involved by walking in the parade, they will need a black performance uniform, Christmas accessories, and will need to fill in this form.

Dec 12 Prizegivings (orchestra, jazz and choir) and Jazz combo at Banks Ave (after school)

Dec 14 Re-percussion Concert at Cashmere High (with Chisnallwood Marimba group) 7.30pm

Dec 16 Final Prizegiving 11am (orchestra, jazz and choir)

Dec 21 Choir Concert (with Chisnallwood Choir) “An Old-Fashioned Christmas Concert” 2.30pm @ St Mary’s Pro Cathedral


Well done to the Choir, jazz combo and big band and Irish band for this week’s performances.


The Chisnallwood Choir, Chisnallwood Combo and Mana Rae (soloist) were lucky to be guest performers at the Christchurch Liedertafel Choir concert on Sunday Nov 23rd, 1.30-3.30pm in the Cardboard Cathedral. Mana performed 2 solo pieces: a flute piece by Faure accompanied by her sister Cheena and then played a saxophone solo in the second half. Our combo played ” A Child is Born” and “At Last”. Our choir sung “From Pastures Green” and “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” ending with “Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth” which was combined with the Liedertafel men’s choir!

Jazz Band, Irish band and singers performed a mixture of regular repertoire and Christmas music for the Pegasus Ladies Probus special Christmas end of year function on Monday Morning at the Rawhiti Golf Course.


In print:

This week we received copies of the Grey Power magazine where there is a lovely write up by Colin Taylor about their visit to Chisnallwood and the music performance.

The Strum Strike Festival also appeared on the cover of the MENZA magazine (Music Education NZ, Aotearoa) with a couple of pictures later in the magazine of our students performing at Strum Strike Blow, Junior Jazz Jam and the Big Band Festival.

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Heads up that the Hook Line and Singalong song writing competition closes March 27th next year, so students may want to get started…. Details at

There is also a Sing4Justice song writing competition which closes April 24 next year. Details at


Category: News.