October Music News

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Labour Weekend Christchurch Big Band Festival

Come and hear our Chisnallwood jazz and Irish bands perform at

Re:Start on Thursday 12-1

Cardboard Cathedral Saturday 2.45-3.30pm

Ferrymead Heritage Park Monday 11am-1pm

Also in the weekend, there are some fantastic adult bands playing around town, a ball, and amazing Saturday morning jazz workshops with Francisco Torres and Rodger Fox covering playing in a big band or improvisation. Check out the details at bigbandfest.org.nz


The last week of October sees the Christchurch School’s Music Festival on for 3 nights in the Horncastle Arena. We have a number of students performing each night, and our choir takes part on Oct 31st.

Please note that all students taking music lessons at Chisnallwood have the wonderful focus of performing at their itinerant night in week 7. The exact dates for each instrument will be published soon. Each night runs a series of simultaneous friendly short concerts followed by a prizegiving. It’s a great chance to show families what students have learnt, and to meet the itinerant teachers.

We had 3 students go on a successful tour to Dunedin in the holidays with the ChCh Boys Choir. Well done to Ryan Bell, Nic Ryan and Rory Humm.

Congratulations to Unidentified who won best Original Song with “War Games” in the National Final of BandQuest!

Congratulations to all the students who took part in Strum Strike Blow and Junior Jazz Jam on the last week of term. You all represented Chisnallwood very well!

2014-09-25 19.41.24JJJ

Category: News.