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Rehearsals Friday lunchtime

Next performances:
Oct 15, 22, 23 (during school time at school for year 6s)
Itinerant Night Nov 21st
Re-Percussion Concert Dec 8th at Cashmere High (Sunday)
RE-PERCUSSION 2013Christchurch’s annual all-percussion showcase concert. Over 100 performers and music from around the globe. Run by (and featuring) Pandemonium Percussion alongside school, community and other professional groups.
7.00pm Sunday 8 December
McCombs Performing Arts Centre
Cashmere High School, Barrington St, Christchurch
Adults $15
Senior $10
Students $5
Family (2+2) $35

18 Sept: CBS Arena – Strum, Strike and Blow Festival.
27 Sept for year7 speech finals
Marimba group set up in the Media room on Open Night – July 3 (6-8pm)


The annual repercussion concert is Dec 9th 7pm at Cashmere High School.
2012 rePercussion Concert.pdf

Screen shot 2012-12-01 at 11.24.19 PM.png

The Marimba Festival will be Saturday afternoon, November 3rd. We are performing at the 3pm performance so please arrive at 2.30pm. Students wear dark trousers and we will provide the Marimba Tshirts on the day!
Click here to find demos of the Marimba Festival pieces. (learning purposes only)

Click here for photos of the marimba festival

Marimba group is practices at Monday lunchtime. Andy Bell who is studying percussion at Canterbury University co-leads this group.

The Marimba group will be playing at RE-PERCUSSION on Dec 11th.

Please note our sound check is at 4.30pm at Cashmere High. We will have some shared fish and chips after the sound check and before the concert begins. Our group will be performing Tijuana Taxi early in the programme.


Marimba Festival
Click on the photo below to see some photos from the Nov 5th marimba Festival.

We also plan to perform at “RePercussion”, a special annual percussion concert on December 11th, 6pm at Cashmere High.

Percussion April 2011


Term 2 performances included open night, music night, ukulele festival, assemblies.

Click on the Collage to get more photos from the MARIMBA FESTIVAL 30 Oct 2010