BANDQUEST will be on WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13. Please put this date in your diaries!
This is an all day event for rock bands up to year 8 and involves a soundcheck with feedback during the day and a main event at night.
ENTRIES ARE DUE BY SEPT 26!! (End of Term 3)
Well done to all the bands!
BANDQUEST will be in term 4!
In the meantime the bands will be learning some covers and recording their originals.
$10 entry for non-band members
Jack Mann Auditorium, Solway Ave, Ilam
Special rehearsals:
Wednesday 12th June
9.30-12 with Ravil Atlas
1pm Soundcheck for assembly at 1.45pm
6pm-6.45pm Rock night for families in the hall.
Bands can also take part in BANDQUEST later in the year.
Here’s a video about song writing (we can’t enter the competition it talks about because it goes up to year 6) but the video is good to watch. You can enter your lyrics in the RockQuest and BandQuest competitions later in the year!
Tentative Band Holiday Practice schedule:
Monday April 22nd 1-3pm REWIND (usually Monday 8am)
Monday April 29th 10am-12 FEEDBACK (usually Wednesday 8am)
Monday April 29th 1pm-3pm 3-50 (usually Thursday 8am)
Tuesday April 30th 12 – 1pm Combo, 1-3pm Big band
Thursday May 2nd 2.45-4.45pm FALLEN SKY (usually Tuesday lunchtime)
Sat May 4th 1-3pm GOLD RUSH CREW (usually Monday lunchtime)
CONGRATULATIONS to the Chisnallwood rock bands on picking up three awards at BandQuest! Best musicianship (True Culture), Best lyrics (Breana) and Best original Song (Infinity).
All four Chissy bands gave stunning performances! Well done to all 25 students involved!
Here’s a link to photos from the day
And here’s a link to some more photos from BandQuest!
BandQuest is Sunday Sept 9th at the Jack Mann Auditorium, Ilam or Sat 15th at Kaiapoi High Auditorium
1-4pm – soundcheck and feedback
7-9pm evening performance and results
Details at
Please fill in the form below to indicate your commitment to this event.
Congratulations on 50-50 making it through to the regional finals! I hope everyone can support them on June 17th!
Chisnallwood Rock Bands 2012:
Band 1 “Unknown”
Monday after school 2.45-4pm
Casey, Nicole, Lyssa, Jess, Grace, Caleb
Unknown |
Band 2 “Social Alibi”
Tuesday 8am (Mr Gordan)
Hannah, Journey, Tazia, Nick, Claudia, Ruby
Social Alibi |
Band 3 “Infinity”
Thursday 8am
Thomas, Ben, Marcus, Liam, Breana, Claudia
Infinity |
Band 4 “50-50”
Friday 8am
Matt, Jackson, Kiera, Connor, Raumea, Courtney, Kori
Band 5 “True Culture”
Jireh, Kiara, Pure, Sapphire, Tusa, Finn, Hannah
Upcoming rock performances
BANDQUEST Sunday 9th September for details
- Friday May 25th at Avondale Primary School (Jazz bands, ukes, and all rockbands) 12.30-130pm for community lunch
- Monday May 28th in the Chisnallwood music room – Chisnallwood parent’s rock night . All band to perform
- Wednesday May 30th in the Chisnallwood Hall – all band to perform at assembly
- Sunday June 3rd RockQuest at the Jack Mann Auditiorium in Solway Ave – Please see the times and details from the rockquest organizor below. Please note the updated times. All our four bands are now on Sunday afternoon.
Extra rehearsals this week: Wed block 3 Infinity (since Liam broke his wrist), Thursday start of block 3 Unknown (because Caleb was sick on Monday), Wed block 5 50-50 (Jackson’s band, with Courtney and Kiara’s new lyrics).
The three performances will be great preparation for the students for rockquest.
from SFRQ organizers:
“Here are the details of where the heats for your region are going to be held and the times that each band is scheduled to play.
You will need to be checked in and ready to play at least 30 minutes before your scheduled time. We suggest that you arrange to be there to watch the other bands perform too.
We’ve sent an email letting all parents know, but make sure you get your mates there to support you too.
The Heats – What to expect.
We request that as many of your band as possible are there for the whole session, to see what the other groups are doing and to be an audience for them as well.
At the heats, all elements of your performance will be assessed, the way the band looks and the way you perform to the audience. You are to play one song only, which should be no longer than 5 min.
All bands are to use the supplied amps, drums, PA, and must use the soundperson provided. The guitar amps will have foot-switchable distortion.
You will need to bring your own guitars, basses, keyboards, turntables, and effect pedals. There will be one lead attached to each amp so you will only need leads if you use effects pedals. Keyboard players must bring their own keyboard stand.
There will be people to tune your instruments and to help you set up.
The event is Smoke free, Alcohol free and Drug free.
All band members will be required to sign a Smokefree Declaration at the heats The wording of this is on the Conditions of entry page on the website.
There will be a $10 door charge for friends, family and other supporters who attend the heats ( children 10 and under free ). Band members and Teachers will be admitted free of charge. Please ensure any mates who attend are aware that the heats are a seated event to enable selection of the bands for the Regional Final. Anyone who behaves inappropriately will be asked to leave. There will be no opportunity for moshing – save it for the regional final.
The SFRQ Team
The Canterury Heats of Smokefreerockquest are being held at Jack Mann Auditorium, Solway Ave Avonhead, on Saturday June 2nd and Sunday June 3rd.
The times below are a guide only.
Please be ready to play at least 30 minutes before these times!
If your band is pulling out, it is important to ring us as soon as poss at 03 5456574.
If you know of a group who should be on this list but isn’t, ring urgently.”
SUNDAY 3rd June:
1:00 Ground To Air Kaiapoi High School
1:05 Unknown Chisnallwood Intermediate (Jess, Grace, Caleb, Lyssa, Nicole, Casey)
1:10 Thorrington School of Rock Thorrington School
1:15 Pure Innocence Lincoln High School
1:20 The Trick Burnside High School
1:25 Social Alibi Chisnallwood Intermediate (Journey, Tazia, Ruby, Hannah, Nick, Claudia)
1:30 Runaway Betty Lincoln High School
1:35 David Rea Rangiora High School
1:40 Shalamar Cashmere High School
1:45 – Burnside High School
1:50 Collision Rudolf Steiner School
1:55 Threes A Crowd Lincoln High School
2:00 Pania Hart Rangiora High School
2:05 Infinity Chisnallwood Intermediate (Thomas, Ben, Liam, Breana, Marcus)
2:10 Half Mountain Unlimited Paenga Tawhiti Hagley Community College
2:15 Alex Hardy Lincoln High School
2:20 Rachel Hamilton Unlimited Paenga Tawhiti
2:25 BrainDead Rangiora High School
2:30 Sam Foote Riccarton High School
2:35 By The Way St Thomas of Canterbury College Rangiora High School
2:40 Blind Eyed Papanui High School
2:45 The Haze St Andrew’s College Christchurch Boys’ High School
2:50 Enter Gravity Burnside High School
2:55 50/50 Chisnallwood Intermediate (Jackson, Kiara, Courtney, Matt, Kori, Connor and Raumea)
3:00 Meh Marian College St. Bede’s College
Jack Mann AuditoriumCollege of EducationUniversity of CanterburySolway AveAvonheadChristchurch
View Jack Mann Auditorium in a larger map
Details about rockquest can be found at
BandQuest 2011
CONGRATULATIONS to COLD EVOLUTION who came first in the Canterbury regional BandQuest competition!
Details can be found here
This is for Intermediate and primary school bands and will be held on Thursday Oct 24th at the College of Education Auditorium.
Click here for a small selection of photos from Rockquest (7 Aug 2011)
Click here for a larger selection of RockQuest photos (7 Aug 2011)
Click here to view photos from the school RockNight (4 Aug 2011)
Well done to COLD EVOLUTION who has made it through to the regional finals!
This is the judging criteria for RockQuest
Instrumental parts
July 9th at Windsor Primary 12.45am. Well done to all bands who performed at Windsor School!
Here is a link to some photos.
Shrapnel |
Hypo |
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Rock Harmony |
Cold Evolution |
Song Writing Tips.pdf
Here is a link to “band tips” from RockQuest
There will also be a new INTERMEDIATE schools’ competition in term 4 where intermediate schools can enter bands with covers or originals! More details in term 2.
Here’s what our bass teacher, Clayton Hiku has done since the earthquake:
Sunday Dec 5th 4.30pm
Zebedees, 479 Blenheim Rd (next to Wild West Minigolf)
Gold coin entry or $5 family
Non-alchaholic drinks available for purchase
8 Schools represented and 9 bands up to year 8 taking part
Heaton Normal Int, Shirley Int, Thorrington, Rolleston, Casebrook Int, Chisnallwood Int, Redcliffes and ChCh South Int
Download a pdf of the programme here:
PROGRAMME December 5th 2010.pdf
Congratulations to Virus for winning the Year 7 talent Quest with Hotel California.
Congratulations to Chain Reaction for a great performance on Friday at the Rockquest Regional Finals.
Click here for band tips from SmokeFreeRockQuest
Congratulations to all the rockbands for fabulous performances at rockquest!! They all were awesome!
And well done to “Chain Reaction” for getting through to the REGIONAL FINALS for rockquest! Just 28 bands were chosen for this out of 80 bands mostly from high schools!
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Chain Reaction |
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Chasing Time |
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1.5L Sprite Bottle |
Vivid Distortion |