RockQuest times on Saturday 21st May

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4:30 session – Bands

Judah and the Lazers Shirley Boys’ High School

@nonymous Chisnallwood Intermediate

5 Steps From Nowhere Rangiora High School

Broken Jandal Chisnallwood Intermediate

Odd Socks Shirley Boys’ High School

Silentium Burnside High School

82 Beats Chisnallwood Intermediate

Anonymous Sumner School Christ’s College

Eclipse Shirley Boys’ High School

Panic Station St Bedes College

Wild Zodiacs Chisnallwood Intermediate

Freehand Christchurch Girls’ HS

Xenolithic Cashmere High School

Paradox Linwood College

H.M.D Shirley Boys’ High School

Ancora Burnside High School

AERO Kaiapoi High School

Packa Mania Rangiruru Girls’ School

The Wednesday Effect Ellesmere College

LCz Finest Linwood College

Better than Bacon Burnside HS, Hagley Community Coll

C6H10O2 Darfield High School, Rangiora High School, Shirley Boys’ HS


Our bands should arrive at 4pm to check in please.

HEATS TIMES CANTERBURY (Draft Heats – WhiteFire = 82 Beats)

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