Music News Oct 30th

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The Chisnallwood choir performs at the Horncastle Arena on Friday Oct 31.
We also have 11 students in special representative groups who have been performing each night at this festival.
The concert starts at 7pm and our choir members need to be there at 6.30pm tomorrow. Tickets available at Ticketek. Details on the school choir webpage.


All students learning music at school perform at these! There are forms online at

Wednesday 19th 
Piano with Marnie and Mike (Concert room)
Violin with Julie (Media room)
Drums with Henare Kaa (Hall)
Thursday 20th
Bass and Guitar with Clayton (Media room)
Vocals with Amanda (Concert room)
Thursday 27th
Flute with Janet Simon (Media room)
Sax and Clarinet with Elliot Ayrey (Media room)
Trumpet with Greg Knowles (Media room)
Songwriting with Claire Coleman (Media room)
Keyboard with Lynne Mackenzie (Library)
Hiphop dance with Leearna Anernethy (Hall)
Guitar with Leroy (Concert room)
Big Band Festival
Well done to our students who performed so well over Labour Weekend at the Big Band Festival in the Cathedral and at Ferrymead. It was great to see Rodger Fox’s Youth band open for the gala night featuring Liam Johnson, Ryan Bell, Annabelle Heaney and Aya McLarty. Well done!
Kids in Town 23-10-14_015 2014-10-27 12.58.21 (1) 2014-10-25 15.15.10 (1)