Online Music Groups

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Check out our scaled-back timetable for online Music Group Meet ups. They are sessions linked to our normal rehearsal times (pre-lockdown) where we can check in, find out what we need to be practicing and discover some cool projects we are sharing which link in with what we would have been doing if we had been still meeting in person.

All music groups are invited to take part in a collaborative We Are Chisnallwood project.

All rock band members (even if your band isn’t formed yet) are invited to the songwriting sessions.

Computer music should be starting in a couple of weeks on Tuesdays at 1.30pm for those who signed up.

Itinerant music lessons from our thirteen itinerant music teachers are happening or being organised in a variety of ways as needed, roughly tied into to previous timetables but adapting as needed.

Please email Judith Bell, Sally Thompson or Jody Keehan if you have any questions.